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Magazine Categories

Category: Computers & Internet

Periodicity: monthly (issues: 12/ in months: 12)
Price: $59.88 $24.99 $2.08/issue

the first issue arrives in 6-10 weeks
Magazine size/volume ratio: 1.00 ... what is it?

Wired readers want to know how technology is changing the world, and they’re interested in big, relevant ideas, even if those ideas challenge their assumptions—or blow their minds. Wired readers are generally familiar with computers and the Internet, but this is definitely not a computer magazine—Wired won’t teach you how to upgrade your RAM. Instead, it’s a magazine about science, art, adventure, online culture, business, philosophy … and bright shiny beautiful gadgets. Each month, more than 2 million smart, savvy readers come to Wired for clean, clear writing with a wry twist.

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