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Bloomberg Businessweek
Category: Business & Investing

Periodicity: weekly (issues: 50/ in months: 12)
Price: $249.50 $60.00 $1.87/issue
 Bonus points: 10.00 ... what are bonus points?

the first issue arrives in 4-6 weeks
Magazine size/volume ratio: 0.50 ... what is it?

Bloomberg Businessweek prepares you to succeed in today's complex economy. You'll find in-depth coverage of the latest trends in technology, finance and management. Our insight and analysis helps you succeed, personally and professionally. Setting the industry standard for news about business and the economy, Bloomberg Businessweek was first published in 1929 and is owned by Bloomberg Media. A valuable resource for job-seekers, small and large companies and anyone involved in the business world, Bloomberg Businessweek gives readers reliable and respected perspectives on the economy today. Stories range from company profiles, interviews with high-profile business men and women, the pitfalls and successes of various companies around the world and developments within business and the economy at large. For over 15 years it has published an annual ranking of business school MBA programs in the United States which is looked at as the standard and authoritative voice on schools.

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