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Cook's Illustrated
Category: Cooking, Food & Wine

Periodicity: bimonthly (issues: 6/ in months: 12)
Price: $35.70 $29.70 $4.67/issue
 Bonus points: 3.00 ... what are bonus points?

the first issue arrives in 12-16 weeks
Magazine size/volume ratio: 1.00 ... what is it?

Cook's Illustrated provides readers with recipes, cooking techniques, and product and food recommendations exhaustively developed in our extensive Test Kitchen facility - the same kitchen featured on our cooking show, America's Test Kitchen. Included are best ways to prepare favorite American dishes -- from pot roast and chocolate chip cookies to grilled salmon and fruit cobbler. Best (and worst) cooking equipment -- from chef's knives to cookie sheets. Best brands -- from canned tomatoes to baking chocolate. Best cooking techniques - from brining shrimp to baking ham. And all of this is provided without a single page of advertising - just 100% cooking information.

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