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Magazine Categories

Category: Automotive

Periodicity: monthly (issues: 12/ in months: 12)
Price: $59.88 $18.00 $2.20/issue
 Bonus points: 4.00 ... what are bonus points?

the first issue arrives in 6-10 weeks
Magazine size/volume ratio: 1.00 ... what is it?

This magazine is edited for the young, affluent and educated motorcyclist and covers every aspect of street motorcycling including cruising, touring and commuting. It regularly features information about road tests, how-to articles, project-bike hop-ups, safety pieces and race coverage. In addition, it also includes updates on legislation and other developments affecting the sport.

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More magazines in category Automotive
 issues: 12/ months: 12
 Price:$59.88 $19.94 ($1.66/issue)
Bonus Points: 5.00 ... what are bonus points?
 In the Wind
 issues: 8/ months: 24
 Price:$24.95 $24.95 ($3.12/issue)
 issues: 12/ months: 12
 Price:$47.88 $12.00 ($1.00/issue)
 4 Wheel Drive & Sport Utility
 issues: 12/ months: 12
 Price:$59.88 $19.94 ($1.66/issue)
Bonus Points: 2.00 ... what are bonus points?
 Truck Trend
 issues: 6/ months: 12
 Price:$29.94 $10.00 ($1.67/issue)
 Car and Driver
 issues: 12/ months: 12
 Price:$119.76 $12.00 ($1.00/issue)
Bonus Points: 7.00 ... what are bonus points?
 Auto Enthusiast
 issues: 12/ months: 12
 Price:$47.88 $19.99 ($1.67/issue)
 Hot Bike
 issues: 12/ months: 12
 Price:$71.88 $25.95 ($2.16/issue)
Bonus Points: 2.00 ... what are bonus points?
 Diesel Power
 issues: 12/ months: 12
 Price:$19.95 $19.95 ($1.66/issue)
 Road & Track
 issues: 10/ months: 12
 Price:$47.88 $22.00 ($2.20/issue)
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