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Magazine Categories

Category: Cooking, Food & Wine

Periodicity: monthly (issues: 9/ in months: 12)
Price: $32.00 $32.00 $3.33/issue

the first issue arrives in 6-10 weeks
Magazine size/volume ratio: 1.00 ... what is it?

The "ideas" magazine for American chefs. We present the industry with a "textbook" of ideas and information to enhance profit on the plate. From ingredients to cooking methods, from dish presentation to service, Chef exposes your products to the heart of creativity and development.

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Bonus Points: 2.00 ... what are bonus points?
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 Bon Appetit
 issues: 12/ months: 12
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 Cook's Illustrated
 issues: 6/ months: 12
 Price:$35.70 $29.70 ($4.95/issue)
Bonus Points: 3.00 ... what are bonus points?
 Cooking Light
 issues: 12/ months: 12
 Price:$59.88 $18.00 ($1.50/issue)
 issues: 9/ months: 12
 Price:$45.00 $29.95 ($3.33/issue)
Bonus Points: 8.00 ... what are bonus points?
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